Covid Protocol 24-11-2021

There has been some significant changes to the protocol since the last update so please take the time to have a look at the below. The changes mainly concern the use of aprons and gloves the full details of which can be seen here

To ensure patient safety, there will be some change to the current measures that have been put in place at South Dartmoor Clinic. We remain open in Newton Abbot and Ashburton. The Covid Protocol has been reviewed and the latest version seems to be best suited for patient safety, adherence to the guidelines and best clinical practice. As previously stated I am now “triple jabbed” and will continue to have boosters when offered and deemed relevant for healthcare workers.

Please read the following update regarding South Dartmoor Clinic’s protocols before attending or when booking your next appointment with us. Please bring and wear a face covering.

During this time the Osteopathic profession is striving to ensure that patient safety is our number one priority as we provide care within a healthcare setting that adheres to the current Government and Industry guidelines on minimising any spread of Covid-19. The following framework should be helpful to know what to expect. This will be subject to change over the coming weeks/months in response to prevailing advice.

1. When you made your appointment please ensure if you were not experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, new onset of cough, loss os smell and/or taste, sore throat, headache etc for more details please visit the NHS site). Also if you have been exposed to anyone with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19 in the past 10 days, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

2. Appointment times will be 40 minutes with ample time between each appointment in order to clean treatment areas and other high touch zones/clinic furniture and prepare and change PPE. To adhere to social distancing we will have only 1 patient (with household members) in the clinic at any given time at the Ashburton Clinic. If attending the new Newton Abbot Clinic then please call me when you arrive and wait in the car until asked to enter the clinic. Please make sure your mask is in place (unless exempt) and you will be led by me straight into the clinic room.

3. We will ask that patients arrive on time for their appointment and not too early. Temperatures will be taken using a handheld IR thermometer 3cm from the forehead.

4. Please leave as many accessory items in the car/at home as you are able to.

5. If possible please bring your own PPE mask to attend your appt. You will need to remove any gloves that you have been wearing outside our clinic environment and wash your hands/put on another pair on entering the clinic or use the hand sanitiser supplied.

6. We kindly ask that patients do not bring friends or family to appointments unless absolutely required as a chaperone or for assistance.

7. It is advised that patients wear minimal, comfortable, loose clothing and a face covering.

8. The treatment format should remain similar to pre Covid-19. A 1.5m metre distance will be maintained when possible (taking a history, giving advice). 

9. The osteopath will be wearing a mask. This will be sourced ethically (not taking away from the NHS). Eye protection, gloves and/or aprons may be worn depending on circumstances or if requested by the patient

10. Payment will be using the sterilised the mobile card reader provided or cash.

11. Further appointments will be made in a diary and a text can be sent to confirm the booking when it’s made.

12. All magazines and reading materials have been removed from the clinic.

We trust that this level of care will prove satisfactory to you in providing a safe environment for you to receive your Osteopathic treatment in these Covid-19 times. We will continue to monitor our approach to delivering this care and modify these guidelines accordingly. Please remember that although every recommended measure will be taken at the clinic this will unfortunately not reduce the risk to zero and patients attending the clinic do so in full knowledge and acceptance of the risks.  If you have any further queries regarding this or your suitability for receiving treatment at this time, please contact me.

Getting Fit in your 40s and Beyond

Looking after your fitness is always important but even more so in our middle age. The benefits both physically and mentally are too numerous and wide reaching to address in this post. I’m often asked by patients what they should and how they should go about looking after themselves in middle age and beyond so I’d thought I’d share some tips on how to achieve your goals.

Have a Plan

Its good to have some structure especially building it around your week with realistic amounts of time that you can devote. Ideally following a training plan – these can be found online or even better is to have coach create a bespoke one for you. This helps to keep the training varied and interesting. Its important to have rest days and weeks where you build effort and weeks when you consolidate

Strength Training

There are a number of age related changes including reducing VO2 max, muscle mass, immune function and increased fat deposition and recovery time. Strength training helps to combat these effects. It can be anything from holding postures longer in yoga to weights sessions.


Its important also to get ones heart rate up. I won’t address the physiology here but it really helps to make gains in fitness


To combat the muscle loss and fat deposition try to stick to a diet with increased protein and reduced carbohydrate – obviously making sure all the other boxes are ticked like plenty of veg and fruit, fresh whole foods etc etc


The body responds to any exercise we’ve done when resting so making sure we get adequate sleep and down time


Finally make sure you’re enjoying it otherwise we will probably give it up. Classes and groups really help as well as offering the benefits of socialising

Covid Protocol (17-09-2021)

There has been no significant changes to the protocol since the last update but please take the time to have a look at the below.

To ensure patient safety, there will be no change to the current measures that have been put in place at South Dartmoor Clinic. We remain open in Newton Abbot and Ashburton. The Covid Protocol has been reviewed and the latest version seems to be best suited for patient safety, adherence to the guidelines and best clinical practice. As previously stated I am “double jabbed” and will continue to have boosters when offered and deemed relevant for healthcare workers.

Please read the following update regarding South Dartmoor Clinic’s protocols before attending or when booking your next appointment with us. Please bring and wear a face covering.

During this time the Osteopathic profession is striving to ensure that patient safety is our number one priority as we provide care within a healthcare setting that adheres to the current Government and Industry guidelines on minimising any spread of Covid-19.

With this information in mind there will be no changes implemented. The following framework should be helpful to know what to expect. This will be subject to change over the coming weeks/months in response to prevailing advice.

1. When you made your appointment please ensure if you were not experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, new onset of cough, loss os smell and/or taste, sore throat, headache etc for more details please visit the NHS site). Also if you have been exposed to anyone with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19 in the past 10 days, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

2. Appointment times will be 40 minutes with ample time between each appointment in order to clean treatment areas and other high touch zones/clinic furniture and prepare and change PPE. To adhere to social distancing we will have only 1 patient (with household members) in the clinic at any given time at the Ashburton Clinic. If attending the new Newton Abbot Clinic then please call me when you arrive and wait in the car until asked to enter the clinic. Please make sure your mask is in place (unless exempt) and you will be led by me straight into the clinic room.

3. We will ask that patients arrive on time for their appointment and not too early. Temperatures will be taken using a handheld IR thermometer 3cm from the forehead.

4. Please leave as many accessory items in the car/at home as you are able to.

5. If possible please bring your own PPE mask to attend your appt. You will need to remove any gloves that you have been wearing outside our clinic environment and wash your hands/put on another pair on entering the clinic or use the hand sanitiser supplied.

6. We kindly ask that patients do not bring friends or family to appointments unless absolutely required as a chaperone or for assistance.

7. It is advised that patients wear minimal, comfortable, loose clothing and a face covering.

8. The treatment format should remain similar to pre Covid-19. A 1.5m metre distance will be maintained when possible (taking a history, giving advice). 

9. The osteopath will be wearing PPE. This will be sourced ethically (not taking away from the NHS). It will include single use apron and single session face masks. Eye protection and gloves may be worn depending on circumstances or if requested by the patient

10. Payment will be using the sterilised the mobile card reader provided or cash.

11. Further appointments will be made in a diary and a text can be sent to confirm the booking when it’s made.

12. All magazines and reading materials have been removed from the clinic.

We trust that this level of care will prove satisfactory to you in providing a safe environment for you to receive your Osteopathic treatment in these Covid-19 times. We will continue to monitor our approach to delivering this care and modify these guidelines accordingly. Please remember that although every recommended measure will be taken at the clinic this will unfortunately not reduce the risk to zero and patients attending the clinic do so in full knowledge and acceptance of the risks.  If you have any further queries regarding this or your suitability for receiving treatment at this time, please contact me.

South Dartmoor Clinic

My Secrets to Health, Happiness and Eternal Life

I’m often asked how I look so youthful and fit and what my secret is. Joking aside I do have a regime that I have been using for sometime now that does have great benefits for health, happiness, energy, sleep, stress and fulfilment. Before sharing it’s important that you only undertake new activities if you are fit to do so, it’s appropriate for where you are and what your goals are. I’d be happy to discuss with you what may be best for you and we can tailor make a plan. I’ll touch on the various areas and hope to publish more detail on each in the future.


Yes its important and again very much down to the individual. Generally I follow a plant based diet with some fish and very occasional high quality, lean meat. I rarely eat processed or junk food and avoid wheat and refined sugars. I’m mindful of good gut bacteria and add kimchi, sauerkraut and tofu.


Drink lots of water! It’s just a habit but you will feel better and your skin will be eternally grateful.


This is a huge topic and could fill many books. Generally I find that my patients are more likely to stick with something if they enjoy it and it’s easy to access. It can be anything that brings the heart rate up a little for 30 minutes three to six days a week. Rest days are important for recovery. Walking is a fantastic form of exercise and thoroughly underrated especially if done in beautiful surroundings. Otherwise I have patients who garden, dog walk, jog, swim, ride etc. Anyone who knows me well has learnt that my passions are kayaking (especially white water) and now triathlons (short course).

Sleep, Rest, Meditation

I’ve not had the easiest relationship with sleep and I’m all too aware how dreadful insomnia can be. But it can be tackled through various means. Just employing some of this health tips will likely help. Talk to me if you have problems with sleep. I may be able to help.

Ensure rest is part of your day and try to establish as good a balance between work, family and leisure as possible.

I’ve been meditating for many years now and I cannot over stress the benefits this brings. More on this later.

Green Tea

This one is easy. A good quality sencha green tea is packed with healthy, natural ingredients. It’s low in caffeine and evidence suggests that it neuro-protective.


Again a huge topic and more later. I take omegas, garlic, turmeric, vitamin D and multivits/minerals. Be sure to discuss this to find out what’s best for you.


I fast around 5 days each week. I prefer the 16:8 approach ie only eating in an 8 hour window usually between 10.30am and 6.30pm. This nudges the body into fat burning and autophagy when old defunct cells and components are broken down. Get advice on this before commencing.

Cold Water

I’ve touched on this before. It really does live up to the hype boosting energy, mood and immune system


Yoga, pilates or whatever takes your fancy. I do a few hours each week and couldn’t live without it.

More on all this later but remember to start small and experiment with what works for you. We are all different but with time a better lifestyle can be adopted and you really will feel better.

Covid Protocol Update (19-07-2021)

The government has announced that all legal restrictions have now ended. Despite this, to ensure patient safety, there will be no change to the current measures that have been put in place at South Dartmoor Clinic. We remain open in Newton Abbot and Ashburton. The Covid Protocol has been reviewed and the latest version seems to be best suited for patient safety, adherence to the guidelines and best clinical practice. As previously stated I am “double jabbed” and will continue to have boosters when offered and deemed relevant for healthcare workers.

Please read the following update regarding South Dartmoor Clinic’s protocols before attending or when booking your next appointment with us. Please bring and wear a face covering.

During this time the Osteopathic profession is striving to ensure that patient safety is our number one priority as we provide care within a healthcare setting that adheres to the current Government and Industry guidelines on minimising any spread of Covid-19.

With this information in mind there will be no changes implemented. The following framework should be helpful to know what to expect. This will be subject to change over the coming weeks/months in response to prevailing advice.

1. When you made your appointment please ensure if you were not experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, new onset of cough, loss os smell and/or taste, sore throat, headache etc for more details please visit the NHS site). Also if you have been exposed to anyone with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19 in the past 10 days, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

2. Appointment times will 40 minutes with ample time between each appointment in order to clean treatment areas and other high touch zones/clinic furniture and prepare and change PPE. To adhere to social distancing we will have only 1 patient (with household members) in the clinic at any given time at the Ashburton Clinic. If attending the new Newton Abbot Clinic then please call me when you arrive and wait in the car until asked to enter the clinic. Please make sure your mask is in place (unless exempt) and you will be led by me straight into the clinic room.

3. We will ask that patients arrive on time for their appointment and not too early. Temperatures will be taken using a handheld IR thermometer 3cm from the forehead.

4. Please leave as many accessory items in the car/at home as you are able to. This includes watches, jewellery, bags etc. The less there is on you, the less chance there is of contamination.

5. If possible please bring your own PPE mask to attend your appt. You will need to remove any gloves that you have been wearing outside our clinic environment and wash your hands/put on another pair on entering the clinic or use the hand sanitiser supplied.

6. We kindly ask that patients do not bring friends or family to appointments unless absolutely required as a chaperone or for assistance.

7. It is advised that patients wear minimal, comfortable, loose clothing and a face covering.

8. The treatment format should remain similar to pre Covid-19. A 1.5m metre distance will be maintained when possible (taking a history, giving advice). 

9. The osteopath will be wearing the PPE. This will be sourced ethically (not taking away from the NHS). It will include single use apron and single session face masks. Eye protection and gloves may be worn depending on circumstances or if requested by the patient

10. Payment will be using the sterilised the mobile card reader provided or cash.

11. Further appointments will be made in a diary and a text can be sent to confirm the booking when it’s made.

12. All magazines and reading materials have been removed from the clinic.

We trust that this level of care will prove satisfactory to you in providing a safe environment for you to receive your Osteopathic treatment in these Covid-19 times. We will continue to monitor our approach to delivering this care and modify these guidelines accordingly. Please remember that although every recommended measure will be taken at the clinic this will unfortunately not reduce the risk to zero and patients attending the clinic do so in full knowledge and acceptance of the risks.  If you have any further queries regarding this or your suitability for receiving treatment at this time, please contact me.

South Dartmoor Clinic

Celebrating 25 Years of Private Practice

Well that has gone quick! It seems like only yesterday that I was handed my degree by The Princess Royal (an ardent supporter of osteopaths and osteopathy) at the Banqueting Hall in Westminster in 1996.

As many of you know I started working in Notting Hill in London and was a Clinical Tutor at the British School of Osteopathy for many years. In 2003 I left London for the South West to raise a family and escape the big smoke. I joined a clinic in Newton Abbot initially and then established the South Dartmoor Clinic in 2008 in Ashburton. Building on the success of that I open the doors to the Newton Abbot clinic in 2012 and the rest is history. It has been a pleasure to meet and treat you all over the years. Hopefully I’ll still be going in 25 years from now!

Covid Protocol Update (28 June 2021)

Restrictions are continuing to be eased and South Dartmoor Clinic remains open in Newton Abbot and Ashburton. As a private, community-based, key healthcare worker we are still able to work. I have again reviewed my Covid Protocol and consider the latest version to be well suited for patient safety, adherence to the guidelines and best clinical practice.

Please read the following update regarding South Dartmoor Clinic’s protocols before attending or when booking your next appointment with us. Please bring and wear a face covering.

During this time the Osteopathic profession is striving to ensure that patient safety is our number one priority as we provide care within a healthcare setting that adheres to the current Government and Industry guidelines on minimising any spread of Covid-19.

With this information in mind there will be a few changes implemented. The following framework should be helpful to know what to expect. This will be subject to change over the coming weeks/months in response to prevailing advice.

1. When you made your appointment you were asked if you were experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, new onset of cough, loss os smell and/or taste, etc for more details please visit the NHS site). Please check if you have Coronavirus symptoms. You will be asked this question again prior to your appointment. Also if you have been exposed to anyone with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19 in the past 14 days, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

2. Appointment times will 40 minutes with ample time between each appointment in order to clean treatment areas and other high touch zones/clinic furniture and prepare and change PPE. To adhere to social distancing we will have only 1 patient (with household members) in the clinic at any given time at the Ashburton Clinic. If attending the new Newton Abbot Clinic then please call me when you arrive and wait in the car until asked to enter the clinic. Please make sure your mask is in place (unless exempt) and you will be led by me straight into the clinic room.

3. We will ask that patients arrive on time for their appointment and not too early. Temperatures will be taken using a handheld IR thermometer 3cm from the forehead.

4. Please leave as many accessory items in the car/at home as you are able to. This includes watches, jewellery, bags etc. The less there is on you, the less chance there is of contamination.

5. If possible please bring your own PPE mask to attend your appt. You will need to remove any gloves that you have been wearing outside our clinic environment and wash your hands/put on another pair on entering the clinic or use the hand sanitiser supplied.

6. We kindly ask that patients do not bring friends or family to appointments unless absolutely required as a chaperone or for assistance.

7. It is advised that patients wear minimal, comfortable, loose clothing and a face covering.

8. The treatment format should remain similar to pre Covid-19. A 2 metre distance will be maintained when possible (taking a history, giving advice). 

9. The osteopath will be wearing the PPE. This will be sourced ethically (not taking away from the NHS). It will include single use apron and single session face masks. Eye protection and gloves may be worn depending on circumstances or if requested by the patient

10. Payment will be using the sterilised the mobile card reader provided. Cash will be accepted if no change is needed to be given.

11. Further appointments will be made in a diary and an appointment card may be provided.

12. All magazines and reading materials have been removed from the clinic.

We trust that this level of care will prove satisfactory to you in providing a safe environment for you to receive your Osteopathic treatment in these Covid-19 times. We will continue to monitor our approach to delivering this care and modify these guidelines accordingly. Please remember that although every recommended measure will be taken at the clinic this will unfortunately not reduce the risk to zero and patients attending the clinic do so in full knowledge and acceptance of the risks.  If you have any further queries regarding this or your suitability for receiving treatment at this time, please contact me.

South Dartmoor Clinic

Cold Water Benefits

The benefits of cold water has been well documented and researched. These include:

Improved Immunity

Improved Cardiovascular function

Reduced depresssion

Reduced anxiety

Improved pain response

Improved sleep

Increased energy

With this in mind I decided to have a go and see if I noticed any benefits. I found a good protocol to follow involving a steady, measured exposure over the course of a month which can be found here ( Have been following it for ten days I can confirm that not only does it get easier but its accompanied by a significant sense of well being for a few hours afterwards. I’ve noticed my energy levels have improved and sleep is better too.

I will be recommending this to some patients to try (if there are no contra indications) and will report back at the end of the month trial.